Get the most out of your printing budget by following these 5 easy tips.
1. Use More Colors
Four-color (CMYK) process printing can cost half as much as printing with spot (custom) colors. It's counter-intuitive but it's a CMYK world out there where many presses are set up to print the same colors all day long.
2. Go with House Paper
There are libraries filled with samples of custom papers of all colors & textures, but most manufacturers stock house papers that suit almost every need. Many custom papers require a large minimum order that come directly from the mill. Get the color from the ink, not the paper. Add coating for texture.
3. Stick with Standards
Varying from a standard size can be costly because you pay for the wasted paper. A standard page size in the U.S. is 8.5" x 11". A parent sheet of paper from the mill is made to fit 8 of these pages on one side of a sheet. Consult with your manufacturer about size before designing your project.
4. Keep it Simple
Print and trim. Every machine required to finish your printing project eats away at your budget. A printing press lays the ink and coating on the paper, and then the cutter trims to final size. Adding folding, die cutting, gluing, stitching, etc. requires a new machine for each process.
5. Know your Source
The printshop that's best for business cards is probably not the best for your pocket folders. Knowing your manufacturers limits is the most difficult, but you'll always save by choosing the most efficient source.
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